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Finishing Quilts

Original Quilts will finish your quilting projects. I'll finish piecing the quilt, add embroidery, quilt it, and bind it for you. Prices vary based on the amount of work needed. Email me with the size of quilt, and what needs to be done, and I am happy to help you finish your project!

Good Wishes Notebook cover

My client asked me to create a notebook cover for her wish book. The front has an embroidered block.

Completed October 2007


Good Wishes Cuddle Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt. Its quilted with meandering hearts in the center, and a meandering stipple on the border. The quilt measures approx 49" x 49".  My client will do the hand work to finish the binding.

Completed September 2007

Karen (Georgia)


Good Wishes Cuddle Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt. Its quilted with meandering hearts in the center, and a meandering stipple on the border. The quilt measures approx 54" x 54".  My client will do the hand work to finish the binding.

Completed September 2007

Karen (Georgia)


100 Good Wishes Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt. Border was added with the corner blocks and it is quilted with little hearts throughout with lavender thread.

Completed September 2007

Mary (Indiana)


100 Good Wishes Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt  - isn't it wonderful!!!  A ladybug in the center with the china doll fabric on the border. It is quilted with little hearts throughout. My client will do the hand work to finish the binding.

Completed August 2007

Karen (Georgia)



Good Wishes Quilts

My client pieced the tops of both of these baby quilts. They are for boy/girl twins!

The boy's is quilted with meandering, and stars in the block corner stones, and the girls is quilted with meandering hearts. My client will do the hand work on the bindings.

Completed August 2007

Casey (Virginia)



Good Wishes Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt. She purchased the sashing, corning stones, border and back from our other site www.bugfabric.com and sent the completed top to me to quilt and finish.

Completed September 2006

Karen (Georgia)



Good Wishes Quilt

This quilt is for my client's daughter, it was started by her grandmother, but my client needed someone else to finish it after she passed away.

Completed July 2006

Susan (Virginia)


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Good Wishes Quilt

My client hand pieced this quilt, then I quilted it with meandering through the main portion, and hearts on the border.

Completed October 2005

Michele (Pennsylvania)


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Good Wishes Quilt

My client hand pieced this quilt for her son, and I added the borders and quilted it. It has a fun turtle fabric on the back!

Completed August 2005

Jennifer (Pennsylvania)


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Good Wishes Quilt

My client pieced this quilt - it is the shooting start pattern. She sent it to me to quilt and bind. I quilted it with little hearts throughout in pink thread.  

Completed June 2005

Pat (Dallas, Texas)


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Good Wishes Quilts (2) 

My client sent these two tops all pieced to me for completing. I did some embroidery work on the front of both then quilted them with red thread in a heart pattern throughout the quilts. 

Completed January 2005

 "The quilts were finished beautifully and I couldn't have completed them without you!" Michele  (Pennsylvania)



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Bed Quilt 

My client pieced this quilt, and asked for it to be quilted and completed. 

Completed November 2004.

 Missy (Minnesota)



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I-Spy Good Wishes Quilts 

My client brought this beautiful quilt top to me to finish. It is the I-Spy pattern, and each block has an interesting piece of 100 Good Wishes Fabric! This quilt measures approx 70" x 85".

The second photo shows a close up of the piecing and quilting.

Completed October 2004.

-- Teresa (Washington)


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Good Wishes Quilts 

My client hand pieced this quilt for her son. The won picked out the fun sport theme prints for the borders which I added then quilted and finished. This quilt measures 74" x 86".

The second photo shows a close up of the quilting and the border prints.

Completed September 2004.

-- Jennifer (Pennsylvania)


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Good Wishes Quilts 

My client pieced this quilt for her adopted daughter. She did a beautiful job of appliquéing hearts on many of the bocks. She sent it to me to  quilt it. We used yellow thread, and embroidered hearts throughout.

Completed July 2004.

"My eyes filled with tears when I received the completed project back. After what I feel was a disastrous attempt to make the quilt, I received back a beautiful quilt that will be a keepsake for my daughter. Words cannot express my appreciation for your work. You showed much professionalism during my contacts with you and you completed the quilt so quickly. I now feel that all of my efforts making the quilt top were not wasted."  -- Angela (Alabama)


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Good Wishes Quilts 

My client pieced these two quilts - then sent them off to me to quilt them. The top quilt has hearts quilted throughout with blue thread, and the second quilt has stars quilted with red thread.

Completed June 2004.

"Pam has quilted four of my crib-size "mini 100 good wishes quilts." She is a joy to work with and does a fantastic job. I trust her judgment and her work is impeccable. I highly recommend Pam to all my friends and family." -- Misha (Texas)


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Good Wishes Quilts 

My client pieced these two quilts - then sent them off to me to quilt them. There are hearts quilted throughout both quilts.

Completed April 2004.

"Nice job! I am very happy with the quilting."  -- Misha (Texas)


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Memory Quilt 

My client hand pieced this quilt then she asked me to add the borders, quilt it and bind it. The quilt measures approx 100" x 84". The top photo shows the entire quilt, and the bottom photo shows the close up of the quilting and binding work.

Completed March 2004.

"Original Quilts enhanced my vision for a special graduation gift for my son." -- Missy (Minnesota)


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Good Wishes Quilt 

My client had pieced the 100 blocks together for her daughter's 100 Good Wishes Quilt. She sent it to me for finishing. I quilted hearts throughout the quilt, and quilted the dragonflies in the first border. 

The second photo shows the fabrics selected for the back, borders, and binding, and the quilting. You can also see the label added to the back of the quilt.

Completed February 2004.

"My daughter's quilt is just beautiful! Pam's eye for color as well as her quilting talents are amazing! -- Jennifer (Pennsylvania)

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Grandmother's Flower Garden 

My client hand pieced the blocks on this quilt, then machine pieced the sashing and borders. She had traced the stencils and asked for me to quilt with yellow thread. The top photo shows the entire quilt, and the lower photo shows the detail of the quilting.

Completed October 2003.

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Batiks by the Sea 

This quilt was made by a client of mine, she pieced the batiks on the border of this Indonesian batik scene then hand quilted the center of the quilt. She asked me to finish quilting the border which I did, and I added the binding and a label on the back for her. I also made three matching pillows to go with this. She will hang it in her bedroom and put the pillows on the bed.

Completed October 2003.

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Mae's 100 Good Wishes Quilt

My client pieced the top of this quilt and put the first light border on. She then sent it to me, and I embroidered in each of the four corners and at the bottom center. I then quilted the quilt and finished with the binding. I embroidered the label for the back as well. This quilt was completed April 2003.

I would be happy to provide you with Holly's email for a reference.

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Juliana's 100 Good Wishes Quilt

My client hand designed and hand pieced this quilt top. She asked me to finish it by machine quilting and putting the binding on. The top photo shows the entire quilt which measures approx 44" x 44". The middle photo shows the detail of the quilting - red hearts throughout the quilt. 

The bottom photo shows a notebook cover made with extra fabrics - this is for the wishes that were collected.

Completed February 2003.

"Thank you very much Pam. You area lifesaver!" -- Heidi (Minnesota)

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Kinny Quilt

My client had pieced 3 blocks of this quilt, and asked me to finish piecing it, and put the borders on. She will take it to a long arm quilter for finishing. This quilt measures 72" x 100". This is a Triple Irish Chain pattern - in flannel fabrics. This was pieced March 2002.


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Jasmin's Quilt

This 100 Good Wishes Quilt was designed and pieced by my client. She asked for me to embroider the baby's name, quilt, and bind the quilt. 

The Quilting Cottage did the long arm work, and Original Quilts did the embroidery, and binding work. Completed January 2002.


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